Genie Cannabis Community Forum Rules
Welcome to the Genie Cannabis Community! This forum is a space to connect, share, and learn in a respectful and enjoyable environment. By participating, you agree to follow these rules:
- Respect Each Other
- Treat all members with kindness and respect.
- Hate speech, discrimination, bullying or personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Keep it On-Topic
- Discussions should stay relevant to cannabis or related topics. Off topic posts may be removed.
- NO politics, religion or other unrelated content unless explicitly allowed in a specific thread.
- No Spam or Self-Promotion
- Avoid posting advertisements, affiliate links or excessive self-promotion.
- If you’re a business or creator looking to collaborate, reach out to the admin team for approval first.
- Respect Privacy
- Do not post personal information (yours or others’) such as addresses, phone numbers or sensitive information.
- Respect members’ boundaries when sharing content or engaging in discussions.
- No Illegal Activity
- Do not promote or discuss any illegal activities, including selling or trading cannabis within the community forum.
- Follow all local laws when engaging within this forum
- Follow Contest Rules
- If participating in contests, carefully read and follow the specific rules provided for each contest.
- Content Standards
- No explicit, graphic or inappropriate content.
- Ensure your posts contribute positively to the community
- Moderation and Enforcement
- Moderators have the final say in enforcing rules.
- Posts or accounts violating these guidelines may be removed and repeat offenders may be banned from both the community forum and geniecannabis.se.
How to Report Issues
If you see a post or user violating these rules, contact a moderator directly or email us.Let’s keep this community fun, friendly and respectful. Thanks for being a part of the Genie Cannabis Community!
- Respect Each Other
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